New Trace Explorer With App Metrics

Learn how to use the new Sentry Trace Explorer to search span data, find distributed traces, and debug performance issues across your entire application stack.

The new Trace Explorer is currently an Early Adopter feature, to use it you will need to enable your Early Adopter status. If you are not an Early Adopter, you will still see the classic Trace Explorer.

The Trace Explorer in Sentry is designed to make investigating performance issues easier and more intuitive. You can now explore span samples, visualize span attributes, and aggregate your data with flexible queries and filters. This guide will walk you through the key concepts and features of the Trace Explorer.

Trace Explorer Screenshot

  • A trace represents a single transaction or request through your system.
  • It captures a series of operations (spans) that show how different parts of your application interacted during that transaction.
  • Each trace is identified by a Trace ID, which you can use to follow a request across services or projects (For example, from your frontend framework to your backend service).

  • A span represents an individual operation within a trace. This could be a database query, HTTP request, or UI rendering task.
  • Each span has:
    • Attributes: Key-value pairs like http.method, db.query, span.description, or custom tags, providing additional context.
    • Duration (span.duration): The time to complete the operation, used to measure performance.

Trace Explorer allows you to browse span and trace samples effortlessly. Here's how:

  1. Search for Samples:

    • Use the search bar to filter results based on attributes like span.op, http.method, or any custom tags.
    • You can edit columns in span tables to view any attribute.
    • You can switch between Span Samples and Trace Samples tabs depending on your focus.
  2. Inspect Samples:

    • Clicking on a Span ID or Trace ID opens the Trace Waterfall View, showing the sequence of operations and their durations.
    • You can explore individual spans in detail or see the trace's overall structure.
  3. Sort Samples:

    • Use the Sort By dropdown or click on the table column headers to sort your data by span.duration, timestamp, or any other field.

Trace Explorer Screenshot

Trace Explorer makes it easy to visualize metrics aggregated from any span attribute.

  1. Set Up Visualization:
    • Use the Visualize section to add metrics like avg(span.duration) or p90(span.duration) to the same chart by clicking Add Series or a different chart by clicking the + icon.
    • You can also create custom visualizations such as:
      • P90 of span durations: Useful for identifying outliers.
      • Average cache size: Analyze attributes specific to backend spans.
  2. Filter Your Data:
    • Refine your visualization by applying filters in the search bar, such as span.op:db to focus on database spans or http.status_code:500 for errors.

The line chart updates dynamically as you apply filters, helping you track trends and identify anomalies.

Trace Explorer ScreenshotTrace Explorer Screenshot

Dive deeper into your data with aggregation capabilities in Trace Explorer.

  1. Enable Aggregate Grouping:
    • Click the Aggregates toggle to switch span samples to aggregate data.
    • You can add grouping, filters, and calculations for deeper analysis.
  2. Group By Attributes:
    • Use the Group By section to group spans by any attribute, like http.method, span.op, or custom tags.
    • For example:
      • Group spans by http.method to compare the performance of GET vs POST requests.
      • Analyze spans by db.table to find slow database operations.
  3. Apply HAVING Conditions:
    • After grouping, use cell actions to filter results directly in the table.
    • For example:
      • Filter for spans where avg(span.duration) > 1s to focus on long-running operations.

Trace Explorer Screenshot

You can create Alerts and Dashboard widgets from your queries by clicking the "Save As" button:

Trace Explorer Screenshot

  • Diagnosing Slow Pages:
    • Search for span.op:navigation and visualize p90(span.duration) to pinpoint slow page loads.
  • Finding Problematic API Calls:
    • Group by http.url and filter where avg(span.duration) > 2s to identify slow external API calls.
  • Database Query Analysis: Group by db.query and sort by avg(span.duration) to find inefficient queries.

With these tools, the Trace Explorer gives you powerful ways to understand your application's performance, identify bottlenecks, and make informed optimizations.

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